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Tapahtuma on vuodelta 2021.

Ehkä tämänvuotinen tapahtuma löytyy haulla, tai on näkyvillä tällä sivulla 'Muut saman käyttäjän lisäämät tapahtumat' -listauksessa.

Aika Mennyt
Su 31.10.2021 klo 13:00 - 14:00
Kino Kuvakukko Vuorikatu 27, Kuopio


Kuva: Kuopio tanssii ja soi

Elokuvat kuljettavat meidät vuorilta merelle ja näyttävät meitä ympäröivän luonnon jylhänä, villinä ja pakahduttavan kauniina. Elämä näyttäytyy ihmeellisenä, mutta myös hauraana ja hetkessä katoavana. Luonnon kiertokulku on säälimätön, ja ihminen ehkä vielä säälimättömämpi.

Elokuvat ovat myös osoitus ihmeellisestä rohkeudesta. Joskus taiteilija joutuu vaarantamaan paljon, jopa oman turvallisuutensa, nostaessaan esille epäkohtia ja epätasa-arvoa. Näin on esimerkiksi Tanin Torabin kohdalla Iranissa, jossa tanssi on aina riski.

Samalla elokuvat kertovat tanssin universaalista yhteisöllisestä voimasta. Tanssi kutsuu kielen rajoitteista vapaan kehollisen läsnäolon äärelle, jossa inhimillinen voi näyttäytyä toiselle ihmiselle.


AXIS MUNDI The "axis mundi" is a connection between heaven and earth, between the divine and the material. With this gravity-defying choreography, imagined and performed at the top of a mountain and on the verticality of a pole dance bar, I wanted to deliver my own vision of this "axis mundi". Two bodies merge and evolve precisely between earth and sky, in a quest for physical and spiritual elevation along this invisible thread.

Director Patrick Foch choreography Céline Garbay & Loriana Lorenzon

THE CIRCADIAN CYCLE Charting the cycle of a day in nature – sunrise, midday, late afternoon into night – The Circadian Cycle uses the dancing body as a metaphor for the morphologies and behaviour of creatures in nature, moving through phases of nascence, awakening and brutal predation. The multi-award-winning film draws upon choreography from Australian Dance Theatre’s mainstage work, The Beginning of Nature, shot in stunning, iconic locations across South Australia.

Director Garry Stewart choreography Garry Stewart & the dancers of Australian Dance Theatre

GEORGE An elegy for George Floyd.
Director Abe Abraham choreography Abe Abraham

FALLING Falling is an abstract study of human interaction where a man and a woman drift through an empty void, their bodies twisting and contorting as if subject to powerful forces beyond their control. Falling is the result of a painstaking combination of choreography and digital visual effects. The camera becomes an extension of the performer’s bodies, less of a passive observer of the choreography and more of an active participant.

Director Adriano Cirulli choreography Milena Zullo

FIBONACCI A herd of people sweeps through dry fields. Dust swirls in the blazing light of the low sun. In a series of fantastic perspectives, areas of land are turned into geometric formations and hills transformed into wave troughs. Thirteen performers form their own organism which, driven by collective intelligence, stirs up the rigid terrain, only to subsequently reorganise it. With the appearance of the hunter a game of hide and seek of colours and shapes begins.

Director Tomáš Hubáček choreography Marie Gourdain

IN PLAIN SIGHT In Plain Sight is the result of months of exploring urban movements on a boulevard in Tehran, Iran. In a society where many questions and restrictions exist around the concept of ‘movement’, three performers try to define the borders of dance. They interact with their surroundings and thus become an integral part of the flow of the city. They accompany each other to find the power of collective movement. The journey is the destination.

Director Tanin Torabi choreography Tanin Torabi

BEING Being captures the restorative power that draws the dancer to the dance. Away from a life of sidewalks and cellphones, where beauty is unnoticed, time stops so it may start again. The dance restores the self, and the senses reconnect with the world, like a flower bouncing back from destruction.

Director Pablo Destito & Agustina Videla choreography Agustina Videla

NAVIGATION Set in the spectacular Burren region of the west coast of Ireland, Navigation explores the current humanitarian crisis of displacement and dislocation that is experienced both individually and collectively. Using the land itself to explore how we navigate through unknown terrain, themes of survival and perseverance, departure and renewal emerge in a nuanced and layered interpretation of the migration experience. The rhythms, movement, vocals and landscape define and embody this exploration, featuring the performances of 10 dancers, singers and a community choir of 40 participants.

Director Marlene Millar choreography Sandy Silva

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